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IT Infrastructure Services

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Virtualization & Data Center Management
Whether your data center is made of five servers or five full racks or five redundant hosting centers, the virtualization (and at some extends, Cloud computing) could be a powerful initiative that allows you empowering new business imperative while adhering to environmental and green practices.

Save Costs and Invest in Your Future with New and Proven technologies
AT IT Level5, we have multi-vendor competence for moving you from the old generations infrastructure to new and real-time technologies.
We design your infrastructure and select the appropriate virtualization software to meet your business demands and the servers capacity.
Virtualization offers a wide variety of benefits including:
  • better operational efficiency,
  • increased server utilization,
  • Power reduction , Green and environmental saving
  • improved security reconciliation
  • improved service levels and availability,
  • increased data center agility,
  • accurate disaster recovery and workload balancing.

Simply put, Virtualization is a technique for making a single physical resource (such as a server, operating system, network, application, or storage device) appear to function as multiple logical resources.